Project name项目名称
TJ-C, TJ-E2, TJ-E7, TJ-E8, TJ-E9 of South Daliang (Sichuan-Chongqing Jie) Expressway南大梁(川渝界)高速公路TJ-C、TJ-E2、TJ-E7、TJ-E8、TJ-E9
Cooperate unit合作单位
Sichuan Luhang, Sichuan Railway Construction, Sichuan Highway and Bridge Construction Group Co., Ltd.四川路航、四川铁建、四川公路桥梁建设集团有限公司
Project description项目描述
The Nanchong-Dazhu-Liangping (Sichuan-Chongqing boundary) expressway is an important part of the Chengdu-Wanyuan and Chengdu-Dazhu-Chongqing expressways planned in the Sichuan expressway network. The project route starts from Tanjiagou on the Nanchong-Guangan Expressway, Gaoping District, Nanchong City, passes through Peng'an, Yingshan, Quxian and Dazhu, and ends at the Sichuan-Chongqing border in Shiqiao Town, Dazhu County, connecting with the Chongqing Liangping-Zhongxian Expressway. . Our company supplies grouting agent products for the new bridge gauge prestressed pipelines in the above bids.南充-大竹-梁平(川渝界)高速公路是四川高速公路网中规划的重要出川通道成都至万源及成都至大竹至重庆高速公路的重要组成部分。项目路线起于南充市高坪区南充至广安高速公路谭家沟,经蓬安、营山、渠县、大竹,止于大竹县石桥镇川渝界,与重庆梁平至忠县高速公路相接。我司供应以上标段的新桥规预应力管道压浆剂产品。
Supply product供应产品
Squeezing agent压浆剂